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prg.ai is looking for a Marketing Manager!
👋 Would you describe yourself as a tech enthusiast with an interest in education, entrepreneurship, and science communication? Are you an experienced marketing and communication professional who is eager to explore the fascinating world AI? Then we're looking for you.
- Full-time commitment starting at 55 000 CZK depending on experience and the form of employment
- Home office-friendly
- Application deadline: 23rd October 2022; start ASAP
🤖 We are prg.ai, a non-profit initiative founded by the Czech Technical University, Charles University, the Czech Academy of Sciences, and the City of Prague. Our mission is to transform Prague into an AI hub of European significance by nurturing the local AI ecosystem, attracting international talents to Prague, and promoting the success stories of Czech scientists and companies home and abroad.
💪 And we’re quite successful at doing that: we’ve established a unique interuniversity programme prg.ai Minor, launched the Czech version of Elements of AI, and become the beating heart of the Prague AI scene. Our marketing team produces an monthly newsletter, builds prg.ai’s online presence, develops content to promote key actors of the Prague AI ecosystem and to popularise artificial intelligence, publishes various reports and communicates with PR professionals and journalists.
🚀 We are now looking for a cornerstone of our marketing team. As our Marketing Manager, you’ll be in charge of our daily comms activities, from copywriting and content creation to conceptualising campaigns and building PR relations, as well as developing and executing our long-term comms strategy. You’ll also be responsible for managing a small team of our internal and external marketing/comms colleagues who will be at your disposal from brainstorming strategies to writing our newsletters and blog posts.
- get an opportunity to apply and develop skills in science and tech communication in a home-office friendly environment,
- join the Czech innovation community and work with stellar researchers and entrepreneurs shaping the future of the region,
- work in a small driven team who is always ready to support you and assist you,
- leave your mark in all areas of prg.ai’s communication,
- bring to the fore success stories of Czech scientists and companies and help the general public understand the intricacies of artificial intelligence.
- give you all that you’ll need to hone new skills and advance your existing abilities,
- include you in all our activities so you can have impact on the entire organisation, learn from the brilliant minds of the Czech AI scene and grow your network,
- continuously support you in developing your own ideas.
- an idea maker and a strategic thinker prepared to take full ownership of our marketing endeavours,
- passionate, driven, resilient, organised with a get things done attitude and attention to detail,
- an effective communicator, team player and relationship builder,
- a creative writer who knows how to produce an eye catching social media post or a press release,
- able to communicate fluently in Czech and English.
- an open-minded team with a positive attitude,
- passionate about what we do,
- focused on the well-being of our colleagues,
- and looking forward to hearing from you!
🦄 Please note that we are committed to diversity and will be happy to meet you regardless of your background or previous experience.
If you’d like to join us, please contact Lukáš, our Managing Director, at lukas@prg.ai with your CV and a cover letter in English (max. 300 words). The interview process will consist of two rounds: an initial interview and a follow-up call with feedback on given tasks.
Application deadline is 23rd October 2022, and you can start ASAP.
Čtěte dále
Typická pražská AI firma je mladá, exportující a soběstačná, ukazuje náš první ucelený report
130 společností, 11 rozhovorů, 9 byznysových témat. To je obsahem unikátní studie od prg.ai, kde najdete také přehled největších událostí na pražské firemní AI scéně za minulý rok nebo texty, které se zamýšlejí nad směřováním umělé inteligence či postavení žen ve výzkumu.
prg.ai newsletter #44
Přinášíme vám poslední díl prg.ai newsletteru před prázdninovou pauzou, nabitý novinkami z českého světa umělé inteligence! Založili jsme Českou národní AI platformu s ambicí posunout Česko mezi evropské lídry v oboru. Prozradíme vám také, kdo získal naši cenu za nejlepší AI projekt v rámci Nakopni Prahu. Čekají vás novinky z výzkumu, využití AI ve zdravotnictví a mnoho dalšího. Nenechte si ujít ani vypsané AI pozice v evropských institucích! Pojďme společně objevovat, jak umělá inteligence mění Česko k lepšímu!
Spoluzakládáme Českou národní AI platformu – CNAIP
- tisková zpráva - Propojit český akademický, veřejný, soukromý i neziskový sektor, pomáhat formovat a rozvíjet komunitu okolo AI a zastřešit aktivity na podporu tohoto tématu. Nejen o to bude usilovat nově vzniklá Česká národní AI platforma (CNAIP). Sedm zakládajících členů – prg.ai, Svaz průmyslu a dopravy ČR, Brno.AI, CzechInvest, ICT Unie, BIC Plzeň a MSIC Ostrava – stvrdilo svůj záměr spolupracovat podpisem memoranda dne 25. června 2024.
prg.ai newsletter #43
Jarní edice AI 4 business, diskuze o budoucnosti AI v Evropě, vzdělávání veřejné správy v AI, nové partnerství, robotické včely, nejdůležitější startup lekce, špička v boji proti finanční kriminalitě a řada zajímavých akcí. To vše v květnovém vydání našeho newsletteru. Buďte v obraze!